For ALL types of Christian creatives and art appreciators(writers, artists, musicians...from hobbyists to professionals.
We gather online for casual, relevant theme-based discussion with an ARTS SHARE
time that gives you an opportunity to share your art and hear about other's arts endeavours and experiences.
Online? You can choose to stay incognito (muted with your camera off) or join in the conversation.
Inspired by the book by Steve Turner:
Imagine: A Vision for Christians in the Arts
NOTE: To build fellowship, we are not presently recording our meetings but members can take in previously recording meet-ups and interviews.
Members - Log in
Others - Sign up free:
COMING IN 2025​​​
NOTE: The same, but different. Following to the natural growth, interests, and development of our group. we are allowing for more sharing time!
We will start with a very brief arts devotional followed by taking turns sharing about our art and faith in Jesus.​
some past meet-up highlights
Note: TEAL RESOURCES are still available via link or upon request.​​​
Our year of C.S. Lewis and "Bubbling Up"
Interview with Orlando's Chief Arts Instigator, Terry Olson, about fusing life, faith, and art.
Meeting Matt Heard of Thrive to discuss the dance of goodness, truth, and beauty & about embracing our God-given humanity.
Rory Noland's visit and having discussions based on his book The Heart of the Artist
gathering a colourful group of creatives: artist, painters, writers, a photographer, and director (meet us in the private FB group)
Free art workshops with Lorenda Harder Studio and Blue Leaf Studio.
Coffee on the couch at "Joanne's place"
watching L'Abri-inspired videos (Laussanne)
soaking in arts conferences and Workshops, including the RZIM arts conference and
experiencing interviews and workshops with faith arts leaders within our own membership including Conor Sweetman (Ekstasis Magazine), artists, Josh Tiessen, Elma Neufeld and Creativity Workshops with Thaddeus Maharaj